Merry Meet!
This is just a quick background story as to what you may have missed since the beginning of my blog in October 2009.
Paganism found me through a Nora Roberts novel. No, this wasn't my first taste of Paganism, but it was the last taste I had before having to devour the entire religion whole (speaking metaphorically of course). I had studied the basics, with Buckland's "blue book" as it is known, in high school, hoping that there was a little more hocus pocus involved. I was slightly disappointed but was enthralled with the values. I hadn't time or privacy to start an undertaking such as this one, so I put it off for about 8 years.
After reading the Sign of Seven trilogy (as many Nora Roberts works are trilogies), I remembered what I had left behind so many years ago. I knew that I had time and need for spirituality in my life this time. If you read some of the first entries you will read some of the best stuff, as they are mostly great spiritual matters. I try to write mainly about spiritual happenings in my life, but some mundane stuff sneaks in.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know "my story" a little better.
Merry Part!