It has taken WAY more time to set up this shop than I first realized it would. I have learned so much and am still learning a little too much. Our budget is still in the negative so I can't do much with design in the store yet, so it doesn't have a very unique look, like I would have wanted it. Right now I am just hoping it will get some traffic and customers to pay the start up costs for it!
So, Goddess willing, this e-store is my hope out of this mess of a financial crisis we have gotten ourselves into. We are also trying our business hand at opening up a personal training studio with a friend we currently work for. We have been reading all of the books we can find on entrepreneurial business. If you have any to suggest please let me know. We mostly get the audio books from the library and listen to them during our long commutes to work. It has been super helpful to be able to learn on the go, as we haven't much time otherwise.
I missed out on ritual last night, I was working a little too hard to get this store open. I had planned on sending some energy out to the oil crisis in the gulf. It wouldn't have hurt to send a little success energy at this venture! I have some great plans for the coming new moon though. It should make up for my missing the past 3-4 moons.
Some other news, I am down to my realistic goal weight of 124lbs! Last summer I weighed about 145, wearing a size 13 (on a small 5'2"frame remember). I finally fit into most of my clothes again! Now I still have a goal of being "super thin" at about 115lbs for a wedding in July. That was my "unrealistic high school weight" goal. I will settle five pounds less.
Hoping all is well with my cyber friends! May you all be happy and content with what you have, but always strive for more.
May Lakshmi, the Goddess of Abundance, bless your e-store and business endeavours!
Congratulations on the new ventures! Great to hear of your successes.
Cool cant wait to take a look at the store I will send you link out to all I know
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