So much has happened in our lives as of late! We have uprooted ourselves and moved back the Maine. We were living with my in-laws for the summer (I don't recommend this) and now we are renting a nice old house in Camden, ME. So nice to have our own place again. I do miss having my coven, that is something that was the most difficult to give up, but I take the opportunities that the Goddess gives me, not knowing where they will truly lead me until I get there.
I have been trusting my intuition more these days. I am trying to get a feel for what it is like when I am right about something before it actually happens. I was on my way to a client's house and I was early. I "hoped" that there would be a nature preserve to park at that was nearby to his house, but not visible. Sure enough, not a minute down the wooded lane there was a preserve with a small parking area! The first thing that I noticed was my future besom, all of the bristles were lying in a heap beside my car and further down fro them was a nice thick and smooth handle. I felt that this was a gift for me, especially since I have been thinking that it was about time to replace my old besom, which had fallen apart earlier in the year. I obviously loaded my future besom into my car and proceeded with my day.
I have noticed an influx of "intuition" as I have started to pay attention and heed it more often. I think that I may have an unhoned psychic gift to share with others and aid me in my journey to succeed in life. I followed my intuition to Maine and immediately found jobs that we had so long been seeking. I just get a feeling sometimes about things, like I am suddenly seeing them from a different perspective. I don't get feelings like others do about things when I hold them, but I get a sight or feeling in my mind when I look at things, letting me know this thing is special and deserves another look.
Things are suddenly coming together in strange ways for my family. I know how to look for the signs that shows it as a blessing form the divine, like the overgrown bush of mint in our new yard, where as the old house mint died very early in the year. Mint is always where we live, that is just how it happens.
How do things make an impression on you? How does your intuition hit you?
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